Terminator salvation arnold schwarzenegger cameo

Terminator salvation arnold schwarzenegger cameo

Who woke up in a hospital bed 28 days after the monkey was let out of the cage? Jim. Jim is a bicycle messenger. He got terminator salvation arnold schwarzenegger cameo by a car and was put in the hospital. What did the scientist in the opening scene say the monkeys were infected with? Rage. The spread of the rage virus started because an animal rights activist let one of the monkeys out of its cage. Usually Id be siding with the activists, but what they did was just plain stupid. Danny Boyle. Alex Garland is the writer, Cillian Murphy is the actor who played Jim, and Brendan Gleeson is the actor who played Frank. What was Franks and Hannahs flat number? Frank told Jim and Selena the flat number, and you could also see the number above the door. Besides Pepsi, what other can of soda did Selena have to offer Jim when they were on the stairs? Lilt. Jim wanted neither one and asked if she had any Tango. What was running away from the infected in the tunnel? rats. Hannah was under the car when the rats were running and they ran all over her. How did Frank and Hannah have the Christmas lights working? battery. They hooked the lights up to a battery so they could have them on at night as a signal to anybody that wasnt terminator salvation arnold schwarzenegger cameo that they were there. All content is Copyright 1995-2006 Content may NOT be copied, reprinted, or distributed without our written consent. Feel free to link to any page you wish. While we try to keep trivia as accurate as possible through a regular volunteer editing process, FunTrivia cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. FunTrivia offers no professional advice, and you take all responsibility for your use of anything contained herein. Feel free to send a note to a particular items author for further details or source information; most of our authors love to hear feedback about their work. At the moment we have 3 apps pending in the Ovi store. During the submission process we gained some knowledge that might save you some time when you re going through the same process. This blog terminator salvation arnold schwarzenegger cameo is meant as a survival guide, so I thought 28 days later was a fitting title, allthough our apps are still pending after 41 days. Here are the issues we ran into so far, and how to avoid them: If you have developed an app for another company and now want to publish it through their publishing account, make sure the Vendor listed in file is the same as the Publisher name. Otherwise you ll get an error. This is inspected manually by Ovi QA and took two weeks for them to report back. Here is the error message: There are two ways to resolve this. Either get the owner of the publisher account the company you made it for to tell Ovi in an email: It s OK really. It s fine!. Or, fix the Vendor part in script. Google it if you don t know how. When submitting file you tell which languages it supports, and also which countries it should be published in.

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