Cujo is it likely Apple will


is it likely Apple will add Blu-ray support to their software in a point update? i thought they would release it in a major upgrade. Wirelessly posted Mozilla/ 0 iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 21 like Mac OS X; en-us AppleWebKit/ 1 KHTML, like Gecko Version/ 1 Mobile/5F136 Safari/ 20 Wake me up when they release Macs with both Blue-Ray support in the OS as well as a Blue-Ray disc drive. Only then can you really use and watch Blue-Ray discs/movies. When is that likely to happen? Macworld 2010? the article says that Blu-ray support will be added to OS X. so its unlikely that the support will linger around in the OS without hardware support til 20 i predict 1st quarter 200 I am just waiting for the day when my wife can FINALLY make use of the HD cam corder I bought earlier this year. Its a great consumer harddrive full HD cam-corder. Gorgeous picture quality! Itll be fantastic to have an option to burn those to blu-rays or Cujo on dual-layer DVDs in HD formats to play on my iMovie is lagging in support for HD even though HD was all the rage a few years the hardware is now in place, its in wide enough now its time for the software to get in gear. I am just waiting for the day when my wife can FINALLY make use of the HD cam corder I bought earlier this year. Its a great consumer harddrive full HD cam-corder. Gorgeous picture quality! Itll be fantastic to have an option to burn those to blu-rays or even on dual-layer DVDs in HD formats to play on my iMovie is lagging in support for HD even though HD was all the rage a few years the hardware is now in place, its in wide enough now its time for the software to get in gear. You can already burn HD video to DVD and Blu-ray disks in OS X! The only thing that you cannot do is burn or watch disks that use HDCP. Thats IT! Im guessing that by the time Snow Leopard rolls around there will be Macs with Blu-Ray support. This must happen sooner or later. Although by the time Apple implement it, the PC world would have moved onto the next 🙄 Sonys first laptop with bluray drive came out about two years ago, and cost the same as a Macbook Pro. Im not sure whats Cujo Apple so long. is it likely Apple will add Blu-ray support to their software in a point update? i thought they would release it in a major upgrade. Itll come when the hardware is required for it. I dont see it as a point release vs not point release issue. Its just drivers for the OS. The iLife Cujo will have to be upgraded to support. iLife 09 seems like a good time.

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